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Buckwheat, spinach and egg bake

Hello my friends, time for the first recipe in this blog :) I had it made this morning for breakfast, let me tell you it kept me full for a long time. It's a lot faster to make this if you have buckwheat ready. Just like I did. So here's what you'll need: 1 cup buckwheat, cooked 2 tbs. oil some spinach 2 eggs 3 cherry tomatos salt and pepper It makes one portion here, you can also change how much spinach or tomatoes you want, depending of what you like. We start with adding some oil to the skillet and then spinach. Let it cook for a minute until it starts to wilt and then add buckwheat and eggs. Add some salt and pepper. I also like to add turmeric, very healthy, plus it gives nice color and taste. Mix everything and cook for a couple of minutes until you can see the egg is ready then add tomatoes and let them cook together until they warm up. That is it! The breakfast is ready!

Who and why?

Well hello there!

Let me start with introducing myself and explaining why this blog was created as I am sure now you have no idea.


My name is Jurgita and I am a woman from small Lithuanian town and I am currently located in Dublin, Ireland. Me and my then future husband (we got married a month ago, yay!) arrived to live in Ireland 3 years ago and fell in love with the country instantly. Now we successfully live and work, creating our beautiful home here.


I started my blogging career with Lithuanian food blog ( where I would write down my recipes not only for other people but also for myself because sometimes you create something nice and in a few months it is quite difficult to remember the recipe. The blog now has a few thousand followers but it is created for a small audience since everything is written in Lithuanian.

So naturally, now I think it's time to widen the audience by creating a new blog and by adding more than just recipes. I will also post my adventures, travel and other experiences and let you all know what's new in my life. 

I hope you stay with me and discover the world together!
